Sunday, April 25, 2010

Never Too Late to Change!

Here's a film that was made after a man reached a dangerously high weight and received a death sentence from his doctors. Ultimately, his refusal to change his eating habits lead to him inducing his own heart attack, at the youthful age of 27. It is the story of his journey to not just weight loss, but to living again. Check out his story and trailer to this movie, Lbs:

This film is based on the true story of Carmine Famiglietti, and a reminder that a lifestyle is most definitely capable of changing!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What Do You Think?

The American Dietetic Association conducted a survey of the public in 2008 and the results are now available regarding what the U.S. is eating and why they are eating it. It is likely that most people identify with these same responses and struggles. Hopefully we can continue to increase the awareness of proper nutrition and education of healthy ways to manage weight!

What Do You Think?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Welcome to Life & Style Nutrition!

Welcome to Life & Style Nutrition's space to chat and learn!

There couldn't be a better time to make a decision to start living a life of nutrition and health and make it your lifestyle.

It's often easier to make changes and learn with others, so please feel free to ask questions and share your struggles. In turn, I will share as much as I can to help you succeed with your journey - whether it's losing weight, keeping healthy, or simply loving life.

Don't forget to visit Life & Style Nutrition to see how we can work together to come up with a plan that makes sense for your schedule and your life.